Phenomenology/ Description


Taking the specificities of the mountain landscape in Merano (in the northern Italian Alps) as point of departure, readings of literary accounts of the landscape are paired with experiential writings of the author-designer.

Complementary explorations

The act of writing is used not only as a way of ordering and making sense of all the input gathered from the place; but also as a way of engaging the mind in the definition of a project. The author-designer tests architectural tools and procedures parallel to drawing, in order to exploit creativity and enable an architectural project to arise from multiple examinations of the relations that can be established between setting and function. 

Get together

Specifically, written narratives about the site trigger drawings of spatial connections between landscape and architecture. Initial sketches for the design of a three-fold library generated further stories about visitor's perception of the materiality of the buildings, the way the light would enter the building, or the way the landscape was framed.

Merano, Italy
Msc3/4 Graduation Project 2017
Student: Davide Perrotoni
Teachers: Klaske Havik, Óscar Andrade, Jan van de Voordt