Casper van Engelenburg


Given Georg Vrachliotis's proposal that each of us pick a work from the BK model collection, why did you choose this one?

Casper van Engelenburg: I picked the 'House in Black' by Chiba Manabu Architects, with its monochromatic exterior and minimalist design, because it provides an intriguing reference point for my PhD research on the transformation of geometric shapes into meaningful architecture. Completed in 2014 in Tokyo, the building exemplifies the effective use of geometric design, providing a practical context to explore my central question: "When does putting together geometric shapes turn into meaningful architecture?" Utilizing statistical analysis to study various architectural designs, my research aims to identify patterns in the use of geometric shapes that contribute to successful architectural outcomes. The 'House in Black', with its minimalist design, stands as a key case study in this investigation. This project aligns with my analytical approach to architecture, aiming to make the subject more approachable through a pattern-oriented perspective, and deepening our understanding of how geometry can be orchestrated to create meaningful architectural spaces.


Casper’s installation is part of his ongoing PhD Research titled: ‘Deep Drawing Search: Towards Effective Search Engines for Architecture’. More information about Casper’s PhD research can be found here.