A Spatial Strategy for the EuroDelta, boosting a circular builT environment for Interreg North-West Europe

Interreg North-West Europe (NWE) project that focuses on understanding the concept of a circular built environment (CBE) by finding innovative spatial solutions through collaboration at various scales within the Eurodelta. 

The project will develop a strategy and action plan for a circular transformation of the built environment in the Eurodelta (i.e. the Rhine, Scheldt and Meuse delta conurbations) focusing on the spatial-economic aspects. The project supports the local and regional governmental partners to establish a jump in scale from urban and regional circular strategies to a larger macro-regional spatial perspective, and serves as a stepping stone for further elaboration in subsequent projects.

TU Delft will facilitate a cross-scale atlas of circular best practice, engage students in the and education into the spatial vision making for a future built Environment and co-facilitate local, regional and supra-regional strategy workshops.


Funder: Interreg North-West Europe
Programme: INTERREG North-West Europe for small-scale projects
Grant amount: € 800.000 
Contribution to TU Delft: € 60.000 
Grant number:  NWE0300368
Role TU Delft:  Scientific Partner
Project duration: October 2023 - August 2025
TU Delft researchers:                 Dr. Alexander Wandl
Dr. Olga Ioannou
Dr. Nikos Katsikis

Project partners

Lead: City of Amsterdam

Project Partners: Province of South Holland; KREFELD BUSINESS; Brussels Environment; City of The Hague; Duisburg Business & Innovation GmbH, RWTH Aachen University; Deltametropolis Association; METREX; Brussel Perspectief.

Associated Partners: Ellen MacArthur Foundation; Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH; Provincie Noord-Holland; Stadsregio Parkstad Limburg; Fiction Factory; Supply Chain Valley; Gemeente Gent; Neue Effizienz gemeinnützige GmbH; Gemeente Rotterdam; Team Vlaams Bouwmeester; Wirtschaftsbetriebe Duisburg AöR; Gemeente Utrecht; ITEM; Universiteit Maastricht / Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid; GEBAG Duisburger Baugesellschaft GmbH; Duisburger Hafen AG; Stadt Aachen, Abt. Stadtentwicklung, -planung und Mobilitätsinfrastruktur, Stadtentwicklung; Economic Board Zuid-Holland; Healthy Building Movement; Hogeschool Saxion; Thomas More Hogeschool; Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties; Directie Ruimtelijk Beleid; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen; EMBUILD.Brussels; Wirtschaftsförderung Wuppertal AöR.


Dr. Alexander Wandl