Circular Housing Asset Renovation & Management - No More Downcycling

Increasing resource efficiency in the housing sector is of great importance for a sustainable society. A circular economy promotes optimal reuse of building materials at at least an equivalent value (e.g. bricks reused as bricks). The ‘CHARM: Circular Housing Asset Renovation & Management - No More Downcycling’ project develops and implements an asset management approach that prevents downcycling of materials in renovation and construction of social rented dwellings. 

The project will create: 

  • circular building strategies tested in demonstration examplers;
  • guidelines for a circular procurement strategy for social housing organisations;
  • material exchange platforms to enable circular flows of materials and building components in the social rented sector.

The CHARM building strategies lead to 36% of materials being prevented from downcycling, compared to the current maximum of 10%, being equivalent to 40,000 tons annual material recovery by the project partners alone. Dissemination and uptake of the results in the social rented sector in the NWE region will be achieved through the involvement of European as well as national innovation exchange platforms.

The project output will be jointly generated by social housing organisations from 4 countries in the InterregNWE region (Belgium, France, the Netherlands, United Kingdom), in co-creation with supply chain partners and knowledge institutes. 


Funder:European Union
Programme:Interreg North-West Europe and CETSI
Grant number: NEW 760
Grant amount:€ 4.134.430
Contribution to TU Delft: € 610.725
Role: Lead partner
Project duration:October 2018 to October 2022
Principal TU Delft researcher:       Ad Straub

Project partners

TU Delft (lead), Accord Housing Association (Birmingham, UK), Paris Habitat (Fr), Woonbedrijf (Eindhoven, NL), Zonnige Kempen (Westerlo, Be), European Federation for Living (EFL), Kamp C (Westerlo, Be), University of Birmingham (UK)

Further information

Visit the projectwebsite

Contact Ad Straub