Public debate 'People matter: exploring the social relevance of circularity'

On 9 April 2024, the Circular Built Environment Hub organised the public debate 'People matter: exploring the social relevance of circularity'. This debate focused on some of the social aspects of the transition to a circular built environment.

Institutes, organisations and individuals participated in this interactive session that brought to the foreground the experiences of people who, as inhabitants or active users, have been working collectively with others to develop and implement circular plans.

The debate featured circular initiatives that have an experimental character but are formally supported, and also initiatives that have been conceptualised and are carried out by groups of individuals informally, outside the margins of what is otherwise considered standard practice. 

Invited guests

Three guests joined us for this highly interactive session: Maurice Specht (Buitenplaats Brienenoord), Jeroen Apers (De Ceuvel), and Césare Peeren (Boschgaard). 

Public debate series

This debate is organised as part of the 'Making the Circular Built Environment a Reality' debate series.

Upcoming debate:

The Transition to a Circular Society in the Eurodelta
9 July 2024, 19:00 - 21:00
Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft (Berlage room)

Register to join the debate on 9 July Learn more about the debate series Contact us