
The research carried out by the Department of Architecture distinguishes itself by the focus on architecture as an expanded cultural field of expertise; a discursive field in which making and thinking, design and research, history and theory are inextricably, yet complexly, linked. The research programme addresses contemporary architectural production as a projective moment in which cultural, social, functional, philosophical, economic and ecological factors are articulated as a concrete spatial and material configuration.

The research programme of the Department of Architecture is carried out by five research units, each with its own approaches, methodologies, and relationships to the current state of affairs in contemporary architecture:

Taken together, these five research units consider the different practices, genealogies, types, phenomenologies, and theories in and of architecture. Two overarching, departmental research themes to which all five research units contribute are:

A departmental research committee encourages productive exhanges between the different research units and on shared research themes. Current (2023-2026) delegates serving on the departmental research committee are: Roberto Cavallo, Stefano Corbo, Salmomon Frausto, Janina Gosseye, Stefan Gzyl, Klaske Havik, Stavros Kousoulas, Rachel Lee, Ran Pan, Angeliki Sioli, Heidi Sohn, Manuela Triggianese, Mieke Vink, and Jurjen Zeinstra.

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