21 juni 2018
Three designs advance to next round
On 14 June, three winning teams were announced to advance to the next round in the Stylos Scala design competition. The winning teams will further develop their designs for a new staircase in the BK Expo, working on the feasibility of their designs. Additionally, three honourable mentions were announced by the judges.
21 juni 2018
Degree Programme Assessment MSc Geomatics
On 20 and 21 June, the degree programme assessment of MSc Geomatics took place. In anticipation of the full report, the review commission said to be impressed with the quality of the master, praising both the graduation work, the master’s structure and the students’ enthusiasm. Additionally, they found Geomatics graduates’ careers to be well aligned with both the topic and the level of the master.
21 juni 2018
Looking beyond Brexit: welcoming the University of Strathclyde to BK City
On 20 June 2018, BK Bouwkunde and the University of Strathclyde celebrated the launch of the policy research foundation EPRC Delft. EPRC Delft will reinforce the existing research and teaching cooperation between the universities and open up new opportunities for the institutions to carry out shared research after the UK leaves the European Union.
21 juni 2018
Thesis on risk mitigation in location decision-making wins Student Award
Jeroen Meijler pitched his thesis at CoreNet Global Benelux, winning the MSc Student Award. Meijler graduated cum laude in Management in the Built Environment in October 2017. He developed a new approach, a framework that helps make real estate decisions for a longer term.
18 juni 2018
Transformation in Composition
Brownfield park project are important laboratories and catalysts for developments in landscape architecture. In these projects, contextual, process, and formal-aesthetic aspects form central and inter-related themes. That is why a major theoretical and methodological expansion of the notion of composition can be distilled from brownfield park projects, as René van der Velde concludes in his dissertation.
18 juni 2018
PoroCity Towers exhibited at Centre Pompidou
On 15 June, 2018, the exhibition Coder le monde [Coding the world] opened to the public at Centre Pompidou in Paris. The show takes stock of contemporary digital creation in different disciplines and includes a display of several PoroCity towers, created by the researchers and students of The Why Factory.
18 juni 2018
Stedelijke vernieuwing in China
Al enkele decennia maken oude stedelijke woongemeenschappen plaats voor nieuwbouwflats. Pas sinds tien jaar bekommert de Chinese overheid zich over het welzijn van de bewoners, maar er valt nog een wereld te winnen, concludeert in Xin Li in haar promotieonderzoek.
18 juni 2018
Duurzame renovatie corporatiewoningen flink achter op schema
De afspraak tussen corporaties en het Rijk om in 2020 de sociale huursector gemiddeld op label B-kwaliteit te brengen, wordt bij lange na niet gehaald. Omvangrijker ingrepen en betere planning zijn nodig om de achterstand nog enigszins in te lopen. Dat concludeert Faidra Filippidou in haar promotieonderzoek.
14 juni 2018
Verbetering projectstrategieën door bewustwording
In de loop der jaren is de dienstverlening van de architect veel veranderd. Marina Bos-de Vos onderzocht de rol van architectenbureaus in de keten en hoe bureaus vanuit verschillende professionele rollen waarde creëren en toe-eigenen. In haar promotieonderzoek concludeert zij dat bewustwording van verschillende waarden noodzakelijk is voor betere projectstrategieën van architectenbureaus.
11 juni 2018
Mix van bewoners goed voor de wijk
De meerderheid van de bewoners van de Rotterdamse Zuidwijk waardeert de veranderingen in de wijk door de herstructureringsoperaties van de afgelopen jaren. Nieuwkomers in de wijk zijn positief over hun verhuizing naar Zuidwijk. Wel zijn alle bewoners kritisch over de grote instroom van bewoners met een migratieachtergrond in de sociale huurwoningen, concludeert André Ouwehand in zijn promotieonderzoek.