
06 juni 2019

De impact van regionaal ontwerp op ruimtelijke plannen

De impact van regionaal ontwerp op ruimtelijke plannen

Hoe groot is de invloed van ruimtelijke ontwerpen op een regionaal schaalniveau op ruimtelijke planning en besluitvorming op alle schaalniveaus? Aan de hand van casussen uit de Nederlandse praktijk onderzocht promovenda Verena Balz het tweerichtingsverkeer tussen regionaal ontwerp en de totstandkoming van ruimtelijk beleid.

06 juni 2019

Nauwe interactie voor snelle doorbraken

Nauwe interactie voor snelle doorbraken

De gemeente Delft en TU Delft gaan intensiever samenwerken op het onderwerp gebiedsontwikkeling. “De uitdagingen in gebiedsontwikkeling vereisen nauwe interactie, omdat we dan sneller tot doorbraken komen,” legt BK hoogleraar Co Verdaas uit.

06 juni 2019

Community building through remanufacturing

Collaborative production in cities has the potential to promote a more circular production paradigm, engage communities, and promote urban and community development. The research project Pop Machina aims to understand the spatial and social consequences of such circular collaborative production in urban areas.

22 mei 2019

Facilitating rural newcomers

Facilitating rural newcomers

The Ruralization project, funded by the European Commission under the H2020 programme, aims to develop knowledge and support policy making in answering rural area challenges.

22 mei 2019

Water sensitive design for Indian cities

Water sensitive design for Indian cities

The project Water4Change focusses on fit-for-purpose water sensitive design for fast growing liveable cities in India, combining know-how from Dutch and Indian experts.

21 mei 2019

Hospital builders: east meets west

Hospital builders: east meets west

Designing hospitals is a special niche within the architecture discipline. The Hospital Tour & Masterclass offers the opportunity to Chinese top architects from this niche to visit several hospitals in the Netherlands and Belgium.

21 mei 2019

Housing the urban invisibles

Housing the urban invisibles

Visiting Professor Marina Tabassum took students of the Global Housing design studio on a tour through Dhaka, exploring the social and spatial patterns of inhabitation in Dhaka. The design studio focuses on the theme ‘Dhaka: Housing the urban invisibles’, and will synthesise the student findings in a ‘Dhaka book of patterns’.

21 mei 2019

Sustainable and resilient coastal cities

Sustainable and resilient coastal cities

The Sustainable and Resilient Coastal Cities (SARCC) project aims to bridge an existing knowledge gap. Researchers from BK Bouwkunde and the faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences received a € 480.000,- Interreg grant to create interdisciplinary innovations and implement the findings in seven case study locations.

21 mei 2019

Making Nicosia a greener, healthier place

Making Nicosia a greener, healthier place

The City-Zen Roadshow visited Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus. The group of international environmental experts, led by Andy van den Dobbelsteen and Craig Martin (AE+T), studied the city together with residents and created a strategy to make the city a greener and healthier place.

21 mei 2019

Tacit knowledge in architecture

Tacit knowledge in architecture

Tacit knowledge is a specific type of knowledge that architects employ when designing. The Communities of Tacit Knowledge (TACK) will for the first time combine the expertise on tacit knowledge that has been developed at ten different research centres in Europe. The research project is an ITN-Marie Curie networking project, with BK Bouwkunde as one of the ten research centres involved.