


  • Cila, N. (2023). Democratic life of Home IoT products. The 23rd biennial international conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology. [
  • Bogdanova, K. (2023). Aesthetics of algorithmic care. TU Delft Design & AI Symposium. [
  • Bogdanova, E. and Jacobs, A. (2021). Beyond the human: The Hague's speculative lives. Stroom The Hague: Walking Seminars. Walking seminar stroom, Amsterdam. [
  • Cila, N. (2022). More-than-human Concepts, Methodologies, and Practices in HCI. 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. [
  • Cila, N. (2022). Designing Human-Agent Collaborations: Commitment, responsiveness, and support. 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. [
  • Viader Guerrero, J. (2023). Performing the Interface: Towards a Political Ontology of Social Media. The 23rd biennial international conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology. [
  • Bogdanova, K. (2023). Digital footprint as mental health data: Caring for power and culture in digital phenotyping. The 23rd biennial international conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology. [
  • Bogdanova, K. (2023). Mind-body-data: Epistemic shift of digital psychiatry. Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology. [
  • Bogdanova, K. (2023). Culture in the data: Accounting for the diversity in expressions of distress in digital mental health. Datafication of Health Conference. [
  • Auliya, S. (2023). Adversarial Machine Learning for Facilitating Deliberative Decision-Making in Elections. The 23rd biennial international conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology. [
  • Auliya, S. (2023). Adversarial Machine Learning for Facilitating Deliberative Decision-Making in Elections. Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology. [
  • Muravyov D. (2023). Process before product: politicizing datafication, meanings, and scales of facial synthesis. Society for Social Studies of Science 2023 Conference. [
  • Muravyov D. (2023). Datafied doubt as an epistemic virtue: Learning from activists’ and practitioners’ perspectives. Third international Data Justice conference. [
  • Muravyov D. (2023). Democracy and its faces: scale as the locus of ethicopolitical intervention in the case of deepfake technology. The 23rd biennial international conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology. [
  • Muravyov D. (2023). Datafied doubt as an epistemic virtue: learning from activists’ and practitioners' perspectives. Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology. [

