Analysing exam results to improve your course

Nieuws - 22 mei 2024 - Teaching Support

Course grades are not only a reflection of how well students grasp learning objectives, but they also provide valuable insights into our teaching methods and the quality of the exam questions we design. Join us on 19 June for this workshop to gain the insights needed to analyse assessment results and make improvements accordingly.

Key takeaways from this workshop include:

  • Analysing to what extent your students master each learning objective.
  • Assessing the overall quality of the exam.
  • Evaluating the quality of individual sub-questions.
  • Calculating individual grades from exam scores.
  • Adjusting scoring and grading in case of quality issues.

During the workshop, you will have access to the tools and resources necessary to conduct exam result analysis. We will use example data to illustrate key concepts and methodologies. Additionally, if desired, you can extend your stay to work on your own exam dataset, applying the skills and techniques learned during the session to your specific context. This workshop is ideal for educators looking to refine their assessment strategies and ensure that their exams effectively measure student learning. By the end of the session, you will be
equipped with practical skills to enhance the quality of your assessments and make data-driven decisions that improve both teaching and learning outcomes. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your assessment techniques and ensure your exams are a true reflection of student learning. Join us to unlock the full potential of your course assessments!

Enrolment via Opleidingsportaal, here.