Culture change is the main focus of the Plan for change on social safety

Nieuws - 22 mei 2024

At the heart of the Plan for change on social safety is the promotion of cultural change. Developed in collaboration with insights from DEWIS and various stakeholders across the organisation, it underscores the need for cultural change to strengthen social safety and drive tangible progress, i.e. in increasing the representation of women in science at TU Delft. Based on your valuable contributions, collected through idea boxes distributed across faculties, we're pleased with TU Delft's commitment to prioritise the need for cultural change and to keep an eye on desired long-term cultural change and what is needed to achieve it. DEWIS will continue to organise activities that contribute to the necessary cultural change, e.g. workshops or theatre plays to create more awareness and to start the conversations about our social norms.

In line with the UN's noble goal of gender equality, we strive for full and effective participation and equal leadership opportunities for all genders at all levels of decision-making. We therefore applaud TU Delft's determination to strengthen the position of women in science and to increase the proportion of female assistant, associate and full professors, department chairs and MT members. DEWIS has put forward actionable proposals to facilitate this, and we're ready to engage in a constructive discourse with the Executive Board and the Deans in the next phase.

You can read the full Plan for change on social safety here. On 15 May, the Executive Board presented the plan to the Inspectorate of Education. The Supervisory Board then formally presented it to The Supervisory Board then formally presented it to the Minister of Education, Culture and Science Robbert Dijkgraaf.