Forum Theatre event addressing Duty of Care and the role of the educator

Nieuws - 15 november 2023 - Teaching Support

Event to discuss how our lectures play a role in the wellbeing of our students via an interactive and lively forum theatre session

At TU Delft, we see ourselves as being responsible for organising education in such a way that it supports student welfare by creating an open, safe, and inclusive environment enabling students to flourish in their academic and personal development. But what role does the educator have in all of this? Come join our light-hearted yet worthy event to discuss how our lectures play a role in the wellbeing of our students via an interactive and lively forum theatre session, led by professional actors. 
What you need to know: 

  • Who: All TU Delft supervising and lecturing staff (including PhD students).
  • When? Monday, 11 December 10:30-12:30 (lunch optional 12:30-13:15).
  • Sign up? via this link
  • Queries? Katie Barry (, Educational Psychologist.