Guidelines when taking a MOOC/Online course

  • Consult with your supervisor first before enrolling into a MOOC/Online course that you want to use as part of your DE programme.
  • Courses should be on an intermediate or advanced level, preferably tailored for PhD candidates who already have a MSc.
  • Follow courses from reliable platforms with an organized way of quality assurance, like EdX and Coursera (Udemy courses are not allowed).
  • Contact your department to see whether they can pay for the possible costs involved (course registration, certificates).
  • All TU Delft PhD candidates can get full access to MOOCs offered by TU Delft for free, with a full access voucher. More information on how to obtain such a voucher can be found in the Doctoral Education Guidelines under the heading 'TU Delft MOOCs'.
  • To determine the amount of credits, please follow the guidelines in the Doctoral Education Guidelines: 1 GS credit = 12 hours of workload (including self-study).
  • There is a maximum of 5 credits for any given course.
  • Pursue a certificate.

Examples of courses

Discipline-related skills:

Analyzing Data with Python

Applied Machine Learning in Python

CodeRefinery Workshops

Data-Analysis and Statistics

Fundamentals of Macroscopic and Microscopic Thermodynamics

Introduction into Programming using MPI

LabVIEW Core 1, 2 and 3

Observation Theory: Estimating the Unknown

Programming on the GPU with CUDA

Spacecraft Dynamics and Control Specialization

Statistical Inference

Statistical Thermodynamics Specialization

Wind Tunnel Testing for Aircraft Development

Research skills:

Basic Problem Solving and Decision-making for Researchers

Big Data Analytics

Big Data Fundamentals

Data Visualisation as a Tool for Scientific Research

How to Formulate Successful Propositions for your PhD Defence

Managing the Academic Publication Review Process

Research Design

Speedreading and Mindmapping

The Informed Researcher: Information and Data Skills

Use Your Creativity, Boost Your PhD

Using Python for Research

Transferable skills:

Business Model Innovation

Career Development - Deciding Your Next Career Move

Creative Tools for Scientific Writing

Design Leadership and Innovation

Engineering Project Management: Project Financing

Foundations of Educational Design

How to Design a Successful Business Model

Leadership Communication for Maximum Impact: Storytelling

Organizational Leadership Specialization

Project Management for PhD Candidates

Scientific Storytelling

Time Management I and Time Management II

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity