Vision Team Energietransitie

Hoe zal Europa er uitzien omstreeks 2050? En vooral - hoe kunnen we nu al voorsorteren op de complexe systeemveranderingen op energiegebied…
Applications Future uses of quantum Building quantum computers isn’t the only challenge—knowing what to do with them is just as important.…
Vision Team Climate Action

There is no doubt that the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are changing our living environment through their impact on the…
The Dutch Quantum Computing Startup Ecosystem
An interview with Ton van ‘t Noordende Ton van ‘t Noordende (Quantum Delta NL Resident Investor), interviewed by Deborah Nas You initiated…
Starting a Company in the Quantum Tech Market
An interview with Sal Bosman Sal Bosman (Founder & CEO of Delft Circuits), interviewed by Giordano Scappucci You are CEO and founder at…
Our quantum world with Jim Murray
Every Thursday 19:30-20:30 on the Discovery Channel! Alexander Ivlev (MSc. Applied Physics, TU Delft) “First of all, thanks for inviting me…
Quantum computing, national security and geopolitical competition
An interview with Patrick de Graaf Patrick de Graaf (Business Director of Cybersecurity & Quantum Technology, TNO), interviewed by Pieter…
Projective measurements
Tracing out the impact of Quantum Technology in 2040 Scarlett Gauthier and Brennan Undseth (MSc. Applied Physics, TU Delft) Presently, the…
Quantum and Sovereignty
From science for sustainability to sovereignty struggles, the national and global future of quantum computing is complex. Pieter Vermaas A…
The future of quantum
The near future of quantum computing lays out milestones and obstacles to the ultimate goal: a universal, fault-tolerant quantum computer.…