Feiten en cijfers
De TU Delft is de oudste en grootste technische universiteit in Nederland. Aan onze acht faculteiten bieden we zestien bachelor- en meer dan…
An introduction to quantum computing
This magazine is both an introduction into quantum computing and an exploration of its impact on our world. It follows on from our 2019…
List of Stakeholder Meetings Industry Delft Circuits Microsoft Orange Quantum Systems Frank Ruess, author of Boston Consulting Group’s The…
Towards a TU Delft Vision on Quantum Computing
Pieter Vermaas (chair), Michael Wimmer, Derek Lomas, Carmen G. Almudever, Giordano Scappucci Quantum computing is scaling up The development…
Weather Forecasting: an unexplored field for Quantum Computing
An interview with Peter Dueben Peter Dueben (Machine Learning & AI coordinator at the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts),…
Response by the Rector Magnificus, Tim van der Hagen
Our Rector Magnificus reflects on the future of quantum computing at TU Delft. Tim van der Hagen, Rector Magnificus and President of the…
Robotics Vision Team

Robotics Vision Team A myriad of visions around robots exist, reflecting the hopes and worries from scientists, artists, philosophers and…
Intelligent Vehicles

Mobility in general touches everyone's life and the majority of people are drivers. Intelligent vehicles are therefore close to society. We…
Robots at Work

We are aiming to understand the issues involved in having robots as part of the workforce. In particular, we want to unpack the dilemma of…
Human Augmentation

How do people view robotic systems that are designed to support them in their everyday lives? As researchers working on social robots and…