
39908 resultaten

Dual career programme

Talented prospective staff often have partners who will accompany them to the Netherlands and may also wish to advance their careers. Coming…

Good to know

This section contains information on a variety of subjects you ought to be aware of or might like to know about. Links are included in the…

Resources for families with younger kids at home

Managing your own work along with childcare and home schooling can be quite a puzzle. Especially if you are in a country without relatives…

Nuttige Links

True U Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tudelft-trueu/mycompany/ Pink Closet location Outsite - LHBT+ vereniging Delft:…

Pink Closet

Pink Closet

Hoi! Laten we het eens hebben over de roze olifant in de kamer: ik ben de Pink Closet. Houd me in de gaten, want ik duik op verschillende…

New Facilities

New Facilities

The CDAM expanded the facilities to support education and research, with the acquisition of the Mark3D Carbon printer, Connex Multi material…


IO in de media – week 5

IO-alumni Pavel Landau en Karel Meijer: Delftse vrienden maken tas om olifant te helpen: ‘Er wordt weinig aandacht geschonken aan dit…

Bert van Wee in diverse media over autobelasting

Bert van Wee in diverse media over autobelasting

VVD-Kamerlid Remco Dijkstra zei in het Radio 1 Journaal dat 'de automobilist' 20 miljard euro aan belastingen betaalt per jaar, maar dat hij…

Bert van Wee op BNR Nieuwsradio over deelauto's

Bert van Wee op BNR Nieuwsradio over deelauto's

De groei in commerciële deelauto's stagneert, maar die van peer to peer netwerken floreert wel. Dat komt onder andere doordat deze goedkoper…