
39418 resultaten

Energy Snack: Else Veldman

Energy Snack: Else Veldman

“Amsterdam-Zuidoost wants to be climate neutral by 2040 and generate clean energy for its own use. What does a smart and (...)

Energy Snack: Prateek Wahi

Energy Snack: Prateek Wahi

“We are on the cusp of having an energy transition from natural gas to sustainable sources of heating. Therefore, it is essential to (...)

Energy Snack: Riel Bessai

Energy Snack: Riel Bessai

“A modular chair made of CO2 storing blocks that can be converted into other pieces of furniture. My chair makes the global CO2 problem…

Energy Snack: Ivan Langella

Energy Snack: Ivan Langella

“Hydrogen is a sustainable alternative to kerosene, but it also has its challenges and risks. I use (...)

Energy Snack: Geertje Bekebrede

Energy Snack: Geertje Bekebrede

“How do stress and emotions affect decision-making? Our Infrarium game allows participants to experience (...)

Energy Snack: Tom Burdyny

Energy Snack: Tom Burdyny

“I am researching technologies that can replace current fossil fuel-based production routes with processes that use (...)

Energy Snack: Aihui Fu

Energy Snack: Aihui Fu

“The increase of distributed energy resources in distribution networks poses challenges for voltage stability. This may limit the (...)

Energy Snack: Frans Timmermans

Energy Snack: Frans Timmermans

“Delft University has been a trailblazer, for 180 years. Delft University will continue to (...)



De Technische Universiteit Delft is een publieke rechtspersoon conform de Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (WHW) .…

Energy Snack: Noa Ommering

Energy Snack: Noa Ommering

“Technological innovations that can accelerate the energy transition should be high on the political agenda. They are key to (...)