Contactgegevens persvoorlichter: Pauline Bijster Wetenschapsvoorlichter Climate & Energy h.p.bijster@tudelft.nl 0648421089 Climate & Energy…
Contactgegevens persvoorlichter: Karlijn Spoor Wetenschapsvoorlichter Resilient Cities & Mobility k.spoor@tudelft.nl (06) 41612272 Resilient…
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Energy Snack: Mathijs de Weerdt
“Major and complex changes are needed for an efficient energy transition. I investigate how such large and complex planning problems (...)
Energy Snack: Else Veldman
“Amsterdam-Zuidoost wants to be climate neutral by 2040 and generate clean energy for its own use. What does a smart and (...)
Energy Snack: Prateek Wahi
“We are on the cusp of having an energy transition from natural gas to sustainable sources of heating. Therefore, it is essential to (...)
Energy Snack: Riel Bessai
“A modular chair made of CO2 storing blocks that can be converted into other pieces of furniture. My chair makes the global CO2 problem…
Energy Snack: Ivan Langella
“Hydrogen is a sustainable alternative to kerosene, but it also has its challenges and risks. I use (...)
Energy Snack: Geertje Bekebrede
“How do stress and emotions affect decision-making? Our Infrarium game allows participants to experience (...)
Energy Snack: Tom Burdyny
“I am researching technologies that can replace current fossil fuel-based production routes with processes that use (...)