
39940 resultaten

Mathijs Molenaar

Mathijs Molenaar Mathijs is a lecturer within the CSE Teaching Team and a PhD Student within the Computer Graphics and Visualisation…

Verhoog de betrouwbaarheid van rankings door je mening te delen

De TU Delft heeft een goede reputatie, niet alleen in Nederland maar ook in het buitenland en verschillende bronnen bevestigen dat. Times…

Aarthi Sundaram

Aarthi Sundaram

I research at the intersection of climate change, energy transition, complex systems and networks. I work with the understanding that…

Water, voedsel en energie uitbalanceren voor duurzame ontwikkeling

Water, voedsel en energie uitbalanceren voor duurzame ontwikkeling

Als bron voor drinkwater, sanitair, voedsel en schone energie speelt water een cruciale rol bij de transitie naar een duurzamere wereld. In…

The MOOC “Health Emergency Response to a Pandemic” will be available on FutureLearn in February 2023

Learners worldwide will soon have access to the MOOC Health Emergency Response to a Pandemic via the FutureLearn platform. The course…

Elias Bach

Elias Bach

I am an MSc student in Engineering and Policy Analysis at the Delft University of Technology. Currently, I am working on my MSc thesis…

Call: FAIR for Research Software Program

Call: FAIR for Research Software Program

The TU Delft Digital Competence Centre (DCC) is offering a 13-week that aims to teach you the essential tools to create scientific software…

Art Empathy & Ethics Q3

Art Empathy & Ethics Q3

For the course Art, Empathy & Ethics, which is part of the track Awareness & Culture, the students have experienced and produce art. Under…

Seminars in Expert Judgement

Seminars in Expert Judgement

Seminar series in Expert Judgment Expert judgment: elicitation, performance, aggregation and validation Expert judgment has become the norm…

Frank Mulder

Frank Mulder Frank is a lecturer for the CSE Teaching Team. His primary focus is on the Software Engineering courses; in the CSE Bachelor he…