
39892 resultaten

Donatie Water voor iedereen

Donatie Water voor iedereen

Het Universiteitsfonds Delft ondersteunt baanbrekend onderzoek met grote maatschappelijke impact. Met uw steun kunt u onze onderzoekers…

Water voor iedereen

Water voor iedereen

TU Delft | Water for Impact gaat over het waarderen van water. Water is een fundamenteel mensenrecht en zou voor iedereen beschikbaar moeten…

High Voltage Technologies

High Voltage Technologies

High Voltage Technologies group The High Voltage Technologies (HVT) group is responsible for research and education in the fields of High…

Steun de basis-OK voor iedereen

Eenmalige donatie Doorlopende machtiging

EU launches pilot projects to reinforce cybersecurity capacity

EU launches pilot projects to reinforce cybersecurity capacity

The European Commission is investing more than €63.5 million in four pilot projects to lay the ground work for building a European network…

Michel van Eeten op security.nl over veilige IoT apparaten

Michel van Eeten op security.nl over veilige IoT apparaten

De TU Delft gaat samen met Nederlandse internetproviders een honeypot-netwerk opzetten om besmette Internet of Things-apparaten in kaart te…

Workshop Disinformation as Cybersecurity Threat: Value Considerations and Ethical Issues

Workshop Disinformation as Cybersecurity Threat: Value Considerations and Ethical Issues

On 25 June 2019, Bibi van den Berg, Tommy van Steen and Ilina Georgieva from the Institute of Security and Global Affairs’ Cyber Security…

Cyber Security Next Generation 6th annual workshop on November 27, 2020

Cyber Security Next Generation 6th annual workshop on November 27, 2020

Cyber Security Next Generation is organizing its 6th annual workshop for PhD and MSc students to present and discuss their work with peers.…

Importance of directing cybersecurity research in The Netherlands

Importance of directing cybersecurity research in The Netherlands

The Dutch cybersecurity platform for higher education and research (dcypher) was founded in April 2016, with the goal of setting and…

The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee: Then, Now, and in the Future

The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee: Then, Now, and in the Future

The Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee (IFS-TC) is one of the 13 TCs in the IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS). Its…