
39915 resultaten

RHAPSODY - Recognition of HumAn PatternS of Optimal Driving for safetY of conventional and autonomous vehicles

RHAPSODY - Recognition of HumAn PatternS of Optimal Driving for safetY of conventional and autonomous vehicles

RHAPSODY was granted under the Horizons 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowships programme, and will be hosted at the section…

Jan van den Berg in het Algemeen Dagblad over cybersecurity

Een hackerscollectief heeft tal van overheidswebsites in België platgelegd. De groep, die zich Down-Sec noemt, protesteert daarmee tegen het…

Journal of Integrated Security Science established by TPM

The Safety and Security Science Group of the Faculty of TPM has established the Journal of Integrated Security Science (jiss), an open…

Przemysław Pawełczak | Call for Action: TU Delft Sustainable ICT Initiative

2 FEBRUARY 2023 Information and communication (ICT) systems are the focus of research of most of us. We try to make ICT trustworthy,…

Przemysław Pawełczak | Sensor in your Mouth

11 MAY 2023 In this talk I will share with you my recent advances in building sustainable sensors for a very promising (but unexplored) part…

Onderzoek van TU Delft cybersecuritystudenten gepubliceerd op gerenommeerde congressen

Cybersecuritystudenten van de TU Delft zijn dit jaar zeer succesvol geweest in het publiceren van hun onderzoek op gerenommeerde congressen.…

Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TU Darmstadt) gives a Cybersecurity Distinguished talk on Secure Federated Learning

Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (TU Darmstadt) gives a Cybersecurity Distinguished talk on Secure Federated Learning

Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi from TU Darmstadt, Germany visited TU Delft Cybersecurity group on November 30, 2022, the "International Computer…

Michel van Eeten in AG Connect over cybersecurity en de effecten van interventies

Michel van Eeten in AG Connect over cybersecurity en de effecten van interventies

Hoe goed verdedigen bedrijven zich nu tegen malware en aanvallen? Michel van Eeten beantwoordt betreffende vraag.

Dieuwke van den Ende wins the Joop Bautz Information Security Award 2021

Dieuwke van den Ende wins the Joop Bautz Information Security Award 2021

Dieuwke van den Ende, who conducted a major degree in Computer Science and Mathematics, won the Joop Bautz Information Security Award for…

Zekeriya Erkin chosen as chair of IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee

Zekeriya Erkin chosen as chair of IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee

The TC’s responsibility is to promote activities around information forensics and security. The TC has significant role in IEEE ICIP, ICASSP…