
39840 resultaten

Impact of corona on carbon emissions

Impact of corona on carbon emissions

The TU Delft carbon accounting report of 2020 provides interesting insights into the impact of corona on our carbon emissions.

TU Delft explores options for large-scale underground heat storage

TU Delft explores options for large-scale underground heat storage

In 2020, for the WarmingUP/WINDOW research project, a feasibility study (haalbaarheidsonderzoek) was carried out for heat storage with an…

Aquathermal energy

Aquathermal energy

TU Delft is collaborating with Firma van Buiten, for their new building in TU Delft Campus South, which needs to become a circular,…

Climate Neutral 2030 Tour

Climate Neutral 2030 Tour

At TU Delft, researchers work every day on solutions for societal challenges, including sustainable innovations. As a climate university, TU…

Solar energy on campus

Solar energy on campus

TU Delft is planning to install photovoltaics (PV) on a larger scale. In March 2021 an elaborate study was finished on the PV potential of…

Delft Design researchers develop vision for new food system

Delft Design researchers develop vision for new food system

How will we consume food in the future? How will our food system meet the rising food demand while mitigating the negative consequences of…

Rui Silva joined ImPhys as PhD student

Rui Silva joined ImPhys as PhD student

Rui Silva completed his master in Bioengineering (Biomedical Engineering) in Porto, Portugal. He is doing a PhD, in a collaboration between…

Ming Huang wins TU Delft Wind Energy Institute Best Paper Award 2021

Ming Huang, PhD candidate at the Wind Energy Section at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering won the TU Delft Wind Energy Institute Best…

Jian Tan wins Social Prize of the Best Energy Paper Award 2021!

Jian Tan, PhD candidate in Offshore and Dredging Engineering at the Faculty of Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering…

Kornelis Blok in Binnenlands Bestuur over hoe je snel van Russisch gas af komt

Kornelis Blok in Binnenlands Bestuur over hoe je snel van Russisch gas af komt

Volgens hoogleraar Kornelis Blok kom je niet met windmolens snel van het Russisch gas af, maar door thermostaat lager te zetten.