
40106 resultaten

Hylkje Geertsema joined ImPhys as tenure track Assistant Professor

Hylkje Geertsema joined ImPhys as tenure track Assistant Professor

From the 1st of March, Hylkje Geertsema started her tenure-track position within Imphys. Her position has a large focus on education and…

Industry Collaboration Experience | Summer 2021

The Erasmus+ project Alliance for Sports Engineering Education ( A4see ) aims to bring industry and students closer together. One of the…


Rock Mechanics Laboratory True-triaxial apparatus, cubic samples of 300x300x300 mm. Maximum load adjustable in three individual (orthogonal)…

Stichting DAP

Stichting DAP is an organisation which originated around 10 years ago by a group of students and industry who first imagined a geothermal…


Menu openen 3 resultaten

Paper about influence in structured multiagent environments published

Paper about influence in structured multiagent environments published

Making decisions in complex environments is a key challenge in artificial intelligence (AI). Situations involving multiple decision makers…

Pieter van Gelder op beveiligingsnieuws.nl over beveiligen in het jaar 2035

Pieter van Gelder op beveiligingsnieuws.nl over beveiligen in het jaar 2035

Ruim een maand geleden vroeg Securitas hoe beveiliging er in 2035 uit zal zien. Volgens hoogleraar Safety Science Pieter van Gelder van de…

Michel van Eeten in Het Parool over hacks op onderwijsinstellingen

Michel van Eeten in Het Parool over hacks op onderwijsinstellingen

Michel van Eeten geeft aan dat het nu lijkt alsof enkel onderwijsinstellingen doelwit zijn. "Maar hackers speuren gewoon het hele internet…

Ir. N.D. (Nina) Versluis

Profile Nina Versluis is a PhD candidate at the Department of Transport and Planning. She received both her BSc and MSc in Applied…

New EU's Horizon 2020 grant

New EU's Horizon 2020 grant

We are pleased to announce that the project "artificial Intelligence threat Reporting and Incident response System” (IRIS) has been recently…