Navigating the Future: Building resilient deltas in Vietnam
Navigating the Future: Building resilient deltas in Vietnam Explore, learn and get inspired! This website organises information about…
Stefan Buijsman in EenVandaag over identificatie van doelwitten met AI
Stefan Buijsman maakt zich zorgen over de inzet van The Gospel, een AI systeem dat door Israël wordt gebruikt om doelwitten te…
Student life
Study Associations CH W.I.S.V. ‘Christiaan Huygens’ (CH) is the study association for students of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science…
Rolf van Wegberg bij NEMO Kennislink over hoe veilig is openbare wifi?
Is het veilig openbare wifi in een hotel, koffiebar of vliegveld te gebruiken? “Wat is je definitie van veilig?”, is de wedervraag van Rolf…
NPS 17
Together more sustainable On 4 and 5 April, the NPS17 took place in the Aula Conference Centre of Delft University of Technology. We look…
Olya Kudina nieuw lid van De Jonge Akademie
Olya Kudina is een van de tien nieuwe leden van De Jonge Akademie van de KNAW. De tien onderzoekers worden officieel als lid van De Jonge…
Midterm Review
The midterm/first stage/literature review takes place after roughly 3 months. You present your progress by means of a presentation, or any…
Requirements & Timing
FIRST Get "green light" from the Thesis Advisor Set the date for the defence 40 working days before the planned assessment (defence) Hand in…
Degree audit
Thesis report Before the defence session can take place, you need to upload the master thesis project report to the TU Delft repository .…
Thesis Assessment
Prior to the session, you check the room and the equipment (portable, beamer). After the session you take care that the room is brought back…