Maxime Spapens
Maxime Spapens Architectural Engineering Healthy Urban Neighbourhoods Within Green Infrastructures How can we deal with urban densification…
Bastian Schleier
Bastian Schleier Explore Lab Where the Salmon walks up the Staircase Where the Salmon walks up the Staircase is a place, an abandoned paper…
Olivia Meng
Olivia Meng Methods and Analysis The River Keeps The Score: Religiously Relinking to Budapest's Danube River Throughout history, humans have…
Elin Lohe
Elin Lohe Complex Projects A New Experience of Trials: The Berlin Regional Criminal Court ‘The Berlin Regional Criminal Court’ is an…
Samanwita Ghosh
Samanwita Ghosh Building Technology Graduation Studio Engineering Biocomposites: Circularity in Façade Cladding Systems with Complex…
Valentin Zech
Valentin Zech Explore Lab 100 Years of Summer: A ski area brownfield as a testing ground to explore ways of how humans and nonhumans can…
Shiru Liu
Shiru Liu Urbanism Towards a Sustainable and Liveable Desakota: Designing for sustainable industry transition in the peri-urban territory of…
Daan Kok
Daan Kok Urban Architecture Une Centre de Vitalité: An interpretation of healthcare, sports and heritage In light of the current discussion…
Andria Charilaou
Andria Charilaou Urban Transformation and Sustainability Bodies of Antithesis: Gender power relations in conflict and militarized…
Koen Stam
Koen Stam Architectural Design Crossovers Symbiotic Thames: Rethinking the urban riparian condition and meaning through architecture towards…