Chemistry of the nuclear fuel-coolant interaction in SFRs
One major question for the safety assessment of the SFR concerns the potential interaction of the sodium metallic coolant with the nuclear…
Fission products chemistry
The safety of a nuclear reactor is directly linked to the performance of the nuclear fuel under normal operating and accidental conditions.…
Roel Dobbe in De Groene Amsterdammer over Digitale voetafdruk van e-mails
![Roel Dobbe in De Groene Amsterdammer over Digitale voetafdruk van e-mails](https://filelist.tudelft.nl/_processed_/9/f/csm_Dobbe%2C%20Roel%20Dobbbe%20%282%29_a00582f9eb.jpg)
Al doen we in ons gewone leven nog zo ons best om onze ecologische voetafdruk te verkleinen, ons digitale leven vreet zo veel stroom dat die…
Tracking ecosystem releases by oil and natural gas production with marine tetrapod
![Tracking ecosystem releases by oil and natural gas production with marine tetrapod](https://filelist.tudelft.nl/_processed_/f/a/csm__D809140_c42ea0648d.jpg)
TU Delft researcher Dr. Robin de Kruijff and CEA/UNESP researcher Prof. Amauri Menegário were awarded a SPRINT grant to investigate the…
Nationale Wetenschapsagenda honoreert consortium geleid door Jafar Rezaei
![Nationale Wetenschapsagenda honoreert consortium geleid door Jafar Rezaei](https://filelist.tudelft.nl/_processed_/6/d/csm_Rezaei%2C%20Jafar%20Rezaei%20%283%29_81eab42ee8.jpg)
Negentien consortia ontvangen financiering om te werken aan wetenschappelijke en maatschappelijke doorbraken. Hiervan gaan twee NWA-ORC…
Visiting professor Joanna Williams
MBE is honoured to announce and accommodate Professor of Sustainable Development Joanna Williams (University College London, The Bartlett…
Lilika Markatou
About Lilika is an assistant professor in the Cyber Security Group, Delft University of Technology. Lilika is working at the intersection of…
Clementine Boutry ontvangt ERC Starting Grant voor baanbrekend onderzoek naar biologisch afbreekbare implantaten
![Clementine Boutry ontvangt ERC Starting Grant voor baanbrekend onderzoek naar biologisch afbreekbare implantaten](https://filelist.tudelft.nl/_processed_/a/e/csm_Biodegradable%20Electronics%20_44f55a78b8.png)
De European Research Council (ERC) heeft aangekondigd dat vijf jonge wetenschappers van de TU Delft een ERC Starting Grant zullen ontvangen.…
Paper by TU Delft Cybersecurity researchers featured in the Communications of the ACM
Ransomware attacks are among the most severe cyber threats. The article "A Tale of Two Markets: Investigating the Ransomware Payments…
Mauro Conti has being awarded the Research and Innovation Award
Mauro Conti has being awarded the Research and Innovation Award from the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Homeland Security! This award…