Serhan Yüksel
Serhan Yüksel Building Technology Graduation Studio Human-Window Interaction in open-plan workplaces: Guiding occupants to efficient window…
Chu Yu Liang
Chu Yu Liang Architecture and Dwelling Design for care Together Stronger: Multigenerational living for the Sandwich Generation The Sandwich…
Taha El Barazi
Taha El Barazi Borders and Territories The Landscape Post-Mortem: An Ode to Excess This thesis investigates the forces shaping the built…
Aphitchaya Wongnitchakul
Aphitchaya Wongnitchakul Architectural Engineering THE LIVING BARRIER: Architectural adaptation of existing flood barriers on Zeeland’s new…
Arne Boenders
Arne Boenders Heritage and Architecture How will we live together? Rethinking the role of heritage as connection between humans, nature, and…
Onderzoek naar circulariteit in ziekenhuizen krijgt 5,3 miljoen
Een consortium van Nederlandse ziekenhuizen en universiteiten heeft 5,3 miljoen euro gekregen van de Nationale Wetenschapsagenda (NWA). Het…
Taking IoT to the Extreme
Dr. RR Venkatesha Prasad has presented to NITI Aayog, the highest policymaking body of India. For more information click here .
Complex Systems Engineering and Management is a full-time two-year Master's programme in English. The curriculum comprises two years of two…
Online onderwijs
Online studeren biedt je de mogelijkheid om waar en wanneer je maar wilt te studeren. Binnen de TU Delft zijn er verschillende vormen van…
Oxide Chemistry in fast neutron reactors (SFRs, LFRs)
Among the six Generation IV nuclear reactors retained by the Generation IV International Forum, the Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) and…