Bastian Schleier
Bastian Schleier Explore Lab Where the Salmon walks up the Staircase Where the Salmon walks up the Staircase is a place, an abandoned paper…
Olivia Meng
Olivia Meng Methods and Analysis The River Keeps The Score: Religiously Relinking to Budapest's Danube River Throughout history, humans have…
Elin Lohe
Elin Lohe Complex Projects A New Experience of Trials: The Berlin Regional Criminal Court ‘The Berlin Regional Criminal Court’ is an…
Samanwita Ghosh
Samanwita Ghosh Building Technology Graduation Studio Engineering Biocomposites: Circularity in Façade Cladding Systems with Complex…
Valentin Zech
Valentin Zech Explore Lab 100 Years of Summer: A ski area brownfield as a testing ground to explore ways of how humans and nonhumans can…
Shiru Liu
Shiru Liu Urbanism Towards a Sustainable and Liveable Desakota: Designing for sustainable industry transition in the peri-urban territory of…
Daan Kok
Daan Kok Urban Architecture Une Centre de Vitalité: An interpretation of healthcare, sports and heritage In light of the current discussion…
Andria Charilaou
Andria Charilaou Urban Transformation and Sustainability Bodies of Antithesis: Gender power relations in conflict and militarized…
Koen Stam
Koen Stam Architectural Design Crossovers Symbiotic Thames: Rethinking the urban riparian condition and meaning through architecture towards…
Dagna Dembiecka
Dagna Dembiecka Interiors Building Cities Post-museum: a story about multiple attitudes The new museum of contemporary art in Antwerp The…