Minh Nguyen
Minh Nguyen Architectural Engineering Rural Wind Hub: Elevating Lifespan Integrating End-of-Life Wind Turbine Blades into Building Layers…
Tara Kanj
Tara Kanj Urban Transformation and Sustainability Beneath the pavement, the beach: A semantic exploration of time, space, and their volume…
Adalberto de Paula
Adalberto de Paula Building Technology Discrete Automation: Robotic Construction Workflow for Reconfigurable Timber Housing Work less, work…
Benjamin Bomben
Benjamin Bomben Architectural Engineering Hybrid Adaptability: Transforming single use parking lots into an active environment The built…
Taking IoT to the Extreme

This August, TU Delft Associate Professor Dr. RR Venkatesha Prasad has presented on the subject Taking IoT to the Extreme to India’s NITI…
Stichting Kennis Gebiedsontwikkeling
De Stichting Kennis Gebiedsontwikkeling (kortweg: SKG) verbindt een groeiend aantal publieke, private en maatschappelijke organisaties die…
International students
The Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment is proudly multinational. Ambitious and talented students from around the world expand…
Chantal Besteman
Chantal Besteman Architecture and Public Building Get a Room! Sex and the Commons in Berlin Sex is a decisive element in contemporary…
Luis Druschke
Luis Druschke Borders and Territories Geostory: A Laboratory for Environmental Transformations Rethinking Geoengineering Activities The…
Jakub Biernacki
Jakub Biernacki Architectural Design Crossovers Retreat the line: Empowering play as an other way of making architecture In an era of…