
39905 resultaten

Publications from Pure



Current version is 2.1.3 (Jan 2018) . The data description toolbox wants to provide tools, classifiers and evaluation functions for the…

Multiple Instance Learning Toolbox

Current version is 1.2.1 (Sept 2016). This toolbox is an add-on to the PRTools toolbox. This version is adapted to work with Prtools 5. The…



Dr.ir. Theresia van Essen j.t.vanessen@tudelft.nl

Martina Vittorietti

Picture taken after the (online) defence of dr. Martina Vittorietti on July 17, 2020 in Delft. Far left: the beadle. Then, present in person…

ir. N. Scheijen

Foto genomen na het afstuderen van ir. Nelleke Scheijen op 24 juni 2020

Ir. J. Steijn

Foto genomen bij het afstuderen van ir. J. Steijn op 26 mei 2020.

Eni Musta

Official picture taken at the defence ceremony of Dr. Eni Musta on April 3, 2019. From left to right: Prof. Cécile Durot, Prof. dr. Ingrid…