High-rate VFA production from industrial waste using the granular sludge process The GFSA project was awarded March 2013, within the STW…
OPTI-VFA: Novel monitoring and process control system for anaerobic digestion plant
Section Sanitary Engineering of TU Delft has started a new European project, coordinated by VTT Technological Research Centre of Finland…
Assimilating GRACE terrestrial water storage data into a conceptual hydrology model for the River Rhine
Terrestrial water storage refers to all water stored on the land surface including surface water, soil moisture, groundwater, vegetation…
Irrigation in the Netherlands East Indies
The figure below is based on the popular game in which one has to spot the differences between two images. In this case, the two images are…
This project will encourage structured, result-driven cooperation ventures between universities and companies, bridging the gap between the…
Sustainable freshwater supply in urbanizing Maputo, Mozambique
In the natural reserve of Johnny Cay a sustainable production of water and energy. Water and electricity are produced with the energy of a…
Ceramic membranes for direct treatment of sewage water
Ceramic nanofiltration membrane filtration is the key step in an innovative treatment concept for production of different water qualities…
AVG Register & Applicatielijst
AVG register van TU Delft Het doel van het AVG register is het inzichtelijk maken welke persoonsgegevens bij de TU worden verwerkt, met welk…
Interview in Reformatorisch Dagblad met Niek Mouter over het PWE gedreven onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van het coronatoegangsbewijs
Een interview met Niek Mouter over de coronatoegangsbewijs Participatieve Waarde Evaluatie werd gepubliceerd in het Reformatorisch Dagblad.
[This information is from the period 2007-2011 and thus outdated; it will not be updated.] Er is binnen CiTG een netwerk opgericht van…