
39907 resultaten

I.J. (Iris) Nederhof-van Woggelum

Iris Nederhof-van Woggelum Secretary +31 15 27 83332 I.J.Nederhof-vanWoggelum@tudelft.nl Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences…


Menu openen Staff Menu openen T.K.A. (Anh) Do MSc Publications Research & Projects Education 2002-2007 : Bachelor of Water Resource…

Research & Projects

Menu openen Staff Menu openen T.K.A. (Anh) Do MSc Publications Research & Projects Education Building the nature to protect the coastal area…

J. (Jing) Zhao

Menu openen Staff Jing Zhao was born in Shanghai, China. He received the B.S., M.S, and Ph.D. degrees in traffic engineering from the Tongji…

Y. (Yu) Zhang

Menu openen Staff Yu Zhang is a visiting PhD student in the Department of Transport & Planning, working in the field of intelligent…

TU Delft Campus living lab voor autonoom rijden

TU Delft Campus living lab voor autonoom rijden

Langs de Leeghwaterstraat op de TU Delft Campus worden momenteel masten neergezet die het fiets- en autoverkeer gaan monitoren. Hiermee…

Student project opportunity: modelling dike failure using DIANA Finite element software

The company Diana FEA BV is looking for students to model a dike failure using DIANA Finite Element software. This project could be suitable…

Article in Nature's Scientific Reports: Information Diffusion Backbones in Temporal Networks by X. Zhan, A. Hanjalic and H.Wang

Article in Nature's Scientific Reports: Information Diffusion Backbones in Temporal Networks by X. Zhan, A. Hanjalic and H.Wang

Progress has been made in understanding how temporal (time-evolving) network features affect the percentage of nodes reached by an…

SBR symposium: 'Wat komt er na de jaarrekening?'

Op 22 mei organiseren de Belastingdienst, Logius en de TU Delft een symposium over de toekomst van documentuitwisseling tussen bedrijven en…

New Research Project: WOODY

In september 2019, a new project will be started with help of NWO about the full scale hydraulic and ecological optimisation of a…