
39273 resultaten

Pieter Dorenbos

Pieter Dorenbos is head of the section Luminescence Materials and has over 30 years of experience in the field. From the start of his career…

Uitstekend evaluatie rapport voor QuTech

Uitstekend evaluatie rapport voor QuTech

Een internationale beoordelingscommissie onder voorzitterschap van professor Robbert Dijkgraaf is 'onverdeeld positief over het succes van…

Esther Park Lee wins ESS PhD Best Paper Award 2018

Esther Park Lee wins ESS PhD Best Paper Award 2018

On March 21st Esther Park Lee received the ESS PhD Best Paper Award 2018 for her article “Conceptualization of Vehicle-to-Grid Contract…

VTI Research Day 2019: Funding opportunities

VTI Research Day 2019: Funding opportunities

On March 18th the annual VTI Research Day was organized for all VTI-employees. This year’s theme was funding opportunities.

TU Delft in the lead in Transportation Research journals

In celebration of 50 years of outstanding research, recently a bibliometric overview-paper was published in the journal Transportation…

Nationale Wetenschapsagenda - Ideeëngenerator (NWA-IDG)

Nationale Wetenschapsagenda - Ideeëngenerator (NWA-IDG)

(Jonge) Onderzoekers uit de hele kennisketen kunnen financiering aanvragen voor risicovolle en kleinschalige projecten met een potentie voor…

Marta Scali

Bio-inspired needles Wasp ovipositors are needle-like structures used to move through fruits or wood to lay eggs inside hosts. Inspired by…

Roberto Merino-Martinez

Reducing aircraft noise using microphone arrays: How can we see sound? Roberto Merino-Martinez Male, 27 Postdoctoral researcher Delft…

David Paulus

Humanitarian crises and disasters - why they are getting worse David Paulus Male, 30 PhD Researcher Delft University of Technology MSc…

Weronika Wolszczak

Seeing the invisible Weronika Wolszczak Female, 31 PhD student TU Delft MSc Radiation detection Biography I was born in Poland. I have…