Research themes
The work being carried out in the MMC Group encompasses a broad palette of research directions in the domains of multimodal analysis and…
TPM researchers extend cooperation with IT Bandung for Net Zero Emissions 2060 strategy and energy transition in Indonesia

TPM researchers extend cooperation with IT Bandung for Net Zero Emissions 2060 strategy and energy transition in Indonesia
De Delftse Bomenatlas: meer dan slechts kaarten

Wist je dat veel steden ook bossen zijn? Je kunt het zelf zien als je Google Maps op satellietbeeld zet. Vanuit de lucht zie je dat de…
Schietincident Erasmus MC

Met grote verslagenheid hebben wij kennisgenomen van de tragische gebeurtenissen in Rotterdam. Daarbij is een docent van Erasmus MC…
Fleur Meijer
Project title: "Optimizing Co-Creation for Sustainable Energy Transition: A Case Study of Local Energy Communities in the MRDH Region” In…
Compromise/Malware Detection vs. Avoidance for Low-End Embedded/Smart/IoT Devices
Prof. Gene Tsudik (University of California, Irvine) 29 September 12:00-13:30 | ECHO-ARENA |…
Publication Deep Learning methods for flood mapping

European Geosciences Union (EGU)'s Hydrology and Earth System Sciences published work of AidroLab’s PhD student Roberto Bentivoglio. With…
Human-Centered Multimedia Analysis
Involved faculty members: Pablo Cesar Alan Hanjalic Digitalization of our society is a reality, radically reshaping the way we live and…
Prediction, modeling and control of processes in (complex) networks
Involved faculty members: H. Wang Elvin Isufi Alan Hanjalic Data collected from generic complex systems such as features, relations and…