Uw privacy is voor ons van groot belang. In onze privacyverklaring leggen we uit wat we als Universiteitsfonds Delft doen met informatie die…
The efficiency of geothermal utilisation depends on the behaviour of fluids that transfer heat between the geosphere and the engineered…
A consortium of partners from the Netherlands, UK, Turkey, Italy and Iceland investigate and demonstrate the potential of re-injecting CO2…
DESTRESS is a Horizon 2020-supported project (2016-2021) and brings together an international consortium comprising 16 partner institutions…
The ‘EASYGO: Efficiency and Safety in Geothermal Operations’ project is one of the Innovative Training Networks (ITN) within the Marie…
The objective of the Circextin consortium is to create a strategic education partnership between universities and companies developing a…
The Geothermal Capacity Building Programme - Indonesia-Netherlands (GEOCAP) was an international collaboration between Indonesian and Dutch…
ATES Triplet
![ATES Triplet](https://filelist.tudelft.nl/_processed_/6/0/csm_ATES%20Triplet%20vierkant_f80afe6b24.jpg)
In this work, a novel ATES system without a heat pump is proposed which now uses three wells (a triplet), solar heat collectors and a dry…
Warming Up
![Warming Up](https://filelist.tudelft.nl/_processed_/e/f/csm_Warming%20up%20vierkant_d9ec5a2b83.jpg)
The WarmingUP collective brings together 38 participants to make collective heating systems reliable, sustainable and affordable for the…
Hoe koraalriffen worden getroffen door vervuiling
![Hoe koraalriffen worden getroffen door vervuiling](https://filelist.tudelft.nl/_processed_/0/2/csm_Boris%20van%20Breukelen_fa660d8326.png)
We weten dat de koraalriffen wereldwijd afsterven, maar er is opvallend weinig bekend over hoe dit precies gebeurt. Daarom zal een…