
39804 resultaten

Transition experiments in Amsterdam

Conceptual and empirical analysis of two transition experiments in the WATERgraafsmeer program by Nadia Lugt download thesis (available…

Non data-driven reservoir outflow and storage simulations in hydrological models

by J. de Vos download thesis In the last half century, many dams have been constructed on a global scale to help people get control over…

Non data-driven reservoir outflow and storage simulations in hydrological models

by J. de Vos download thesis In the last half century, many dams have been constructed on a global scale to help people get control over…

Collaborative Modelling in Water Resources Management: Two approaches from the Netherlands

by A. Warren download thesis Water Resources Management (WRM) problems are now recognised for their complexity. Approaches for dealing with…

Collaborative Modelling in Water Resources Management: Two approaches from the Netherlands

by A. Warren download thesis Water Resources Management (WRM) problems are now recognised for their complexity. Approaches for dealing with…

Citizen Science in Water Quality Monitoring

by E. Minkman download thesis The Dutch water management system is confronted with a lack of awareness among citizens and further faces the…

Citizen Science in Water Quality Monitoring

by E. Minkman download thesis The Dutch water management system is confronted with a lack of awareness among citizens and further faces the…

Modelling of Reservoir Operations: Using Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks

by B. Coerver download thesis The release of reservoirs is simulated using ANFIS and a sensitivity analysis is performed to check if the…

Modelling of Reservoir Operations: Using Fuzzy Logic and Artificial Neural Networks

by B. Coerver download thesis The release of reservoirs is simulated using ANFIS and a sensitivity analysis is performed to check if the…

Error Analysis of TRMM, WFD and APHRODITE datasets using Triple Collocation

by P. Rathore Student: P. Rathore Committee: Prof. dr. ir. N. C. van de Giesen (TU Delft), Dr. ir. Stephan de Roode (TU Delft), Ir. Martine…