
39589 resultaten

Design, Organisation and Strategy

Design, Organisation and Strategy

The Design, Organisation and Strategy (DOS) department is a leading research environment that explores the influence of strategic design…

Cursussen voor promovendi

De faculteit Techniek, Bestuur en Management biedt enkele cursussen en workshops voor promovendi. Doel van de cursussen is mensen te trainen…

Admission requirements P2 and P4

Application and admission to P2 Students in the tracks Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture will only be admitted to P2 if, at…

Admission requirements P2 and P4

Application and admission to P2 Students in the tracks Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture will only be admitted to P2 if, at…

EMMA General Criteria

All academic graduation projects are evaluated on the content (design and research) and the presentation. Assessment is done using the…

EMMA General Criteria

All academic graduation projects are evaluated on the content (design and research) and the presentation. Assessment is done using the…

EMMA - Assessment and Feedback Tool

EMMA feedback and assessment tool EMMA is a feedback and assessment tool for academic graduation projects of the Faculty of Architecture and…

EMMA - Assessment and Feedback Tool

EMMA feedback and assessment tool EMMA is a feedback and assessment tool for academic graduation projects of the Faculty of Architecture and…

EMMA Overview

Structure graduation year.

EMMA Overview

Structure graduation year.