Bert van Wee op BNR over treinen worden duurder in de spits

NS-baas Wouter Koolmees wil reizen in de spits flink duurder gaan maken. Buiten de spits moeten de tarieven juist omlaag, zodat reizigers…
Meer kennis over ziekte van Parkinson is zo belangrijk

Sinds zijn vrouw was gediagnostiseerd met Parkinson, volgt alumnus Doeko Bosscher met interesse de laatste wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen…
Impact of Land Use Change on the Predicted Runoff of the Geul Catchment
The main goal of the letter Water en Bodem sturend is improving the spatial planning of the Netherlands. Measures are suggested to be more…
Key considerations to carry out collaborative research: the project’s team perspective of three climate adaptation projects
Around the world, adapting human activities to mitigate and reverse climate change is of utmost priority. However, climate adaptation…
Other projects
Research Project: Jerom Aerts Development of a Beta Version of a Flood Early Warning System for Meuse River Tributaries
The hydrological potential of Urban Nature-based Solutions for the Geul catchment
Temporary Flood Barriers
In this report temporary flood barriers are investigated. Temporary flood barriers are barriers that are installed during a flood event and…
Word Studentvriend en ontvang de TU-hoodie als welkomstcadeau!
Als Studentvriend steun je de wetenschappelijke en persoonlijke ontwikkeling van Delftse studenten en kun je zelf ook een bijdrage…
Decision Diagrams for Optimization
Willem-Jan van Hoeve (Carnegie Mellon University) 12 July 2023, 16:00-17:30 | Echo-Hall B1 |…

Studying in a wider context The department Engineering Systems and Services provides education at the Bachelor’s (TB) and Master’s (CoSEM,…