
39890 resultaten

Mechanobiology of in vitro cartilage tissues (BEP/MEP)

Short description: In connective tissues, cells are embedded in a support matrix composed of a complex 3D network of extracellular…

Evolutionary approach to building a synthetic cell (BEP/MEP)

Short description: smart DNA libraries inside liposomes using a cell-free expression system (PURE system) and sort the vesicles displaying…

Building a living cell from scratch using microfluidics (MEP)

Short description: To shed light on the fundamental blueprint of a cell and get a better understanding of the governing principles of…

Model intercellular bridge with septin and other proteins (MEP)

Short description: In the intercellular bridge, proteins are important for the recruited and organized in the intercellular bridge. In our…

Cytoskeletal crosstalk in confined cancer cells (MEP)

Short description: Confinement parameters of extracellular matrix in the local tumor microenvironments can impact tumor cell migration…

Fact or Fiction: "Elektrische voertuigen niet bestand tegen warm en koud weer"?

Fact or Fiction: "Elektrische voertuigen niet bestand tegen warm en koud weer"?

Met nieuwe technologieën zullen we altijd enkele "mislukkingen" verwachten, niets is perfect toch? Maar hoe kunnen we onderscheid maken…

A PV/Battery Multi-port V2X EV charger suitable for off-grid applications

Project description The demand for electric vehicles (EV) are increasing as efforts continue to meet decreasing CO 2 emission goals. When…

Olga Peters

Olga Peters

Olga Peters "Deel je zorgen over je tentamenstress met medestudenten. Erover praten helpt soms al om minder stress te ervaren en vaak hoor…

Dr.ir. G.J.P. Ravenshorst

Na zijn afstuderen heeft hij 5 jaar in de praktijk gewerkt als all-round constructeur bij verschillende ingenieursbureaus. Hierbij heeft hij…

Ir. M. Mirra

Profile I graduated in Civil Engineering in September 2017, at the University of Padua (Italy). My Master Thesis focused on the seismic…