
39909 resultaten

Humans of X

Wie zijn wij? Wat zijn de verhalen van de mensen die samen X maken? | Verhalen

Establishing programmable liposome fusion to enable synthetic cell growth (BEP/MEP)

Short description: To accomplish sustained growth and division, synthetic cells must expand their membrane surface. Providing extra lipids…

Mechanobiology of in vitro cartilage tissues (BEP/MEP)

Short description: In connective tissues, cells are embedded in a support matrix composed of a complex 3D network of extracellular…

Evolutionary approach to building a synthetic cell (BEP/MEP)

Short description: smart DNA libraries inside liposomes using a cell-free expression system (PURE system) and sort the vesicles displaying…

Building a living cell from scratch using microfluidics (MEP)

Short description: To shed light on the fundamental blueprint of a cell and get a better understanding of the governing principles of…

Model intercellular bridge with septin and other proteins (MEP)

Short description: In the intercellular bridge, proteins are important for the recruited and organized in the intercellular bridge. In our…

Cytoskeletal crosstalk in confined cancer cells (MEP)

Short description: Confinement parameters of extracellular matrix in the local tumor microenvironments can impact tumor cell migration…

Fact or Fiction: "Elektrische voertuigen niet bestand tegen warm en koud weer"?

Fact or Fiction: "Elektrische voertuigen niet bestand tegen warm en koud weer"?

Met nieuwe technologieën zullen we altijd enkele "mislukkingen" verwachten, niets is perfect toch? Maar hoe kunnen we onderscheid maken…

A PV/Battery Multi-port V2X EV charger suitable for off-grid applications

Project description The demand for electric vehicles (EV) are increasing as efforts continue to meet decreasing CO 2 emission goals. When…

Olga Peters

Olga Peters

Olga Peters "Deel je zorgen over je tentamenstress met medestudenten. Erover praten helpt soms al om minder stress te ervaren en vaak hoor…