Victor Knoop & Oded Cats in de Volkskrant

Taxidiensten als Uber en Lyft leiden niet tot minder files en vertraging in de stad, maar juist tot meer. Anders dan deze platformdiensten…
Formula Student Team
"Working in a team like Formula Student Team Delft will allow you to experience much more compared to the EPO projects in the Electrical…
Book launch: "Imaging Optics" by Joseph Braat and Peter Török

Joseph Braat, a former professor of optics in the ImPhys department, has finally wrapped up his contribution to the book Imaging Optics. The…
Seda Gürses op NOS.nl over facebook en nepnieuws
Veertig medewerkers in het Facebook-verkiezingscentrum moeten ervoor zorgen dat nepnieuws en andere vormen van verkiezingsbeïnvloeding in de…
Mark van Koningsveld on the radio next week
Mark van Koningsveld will be on the BNR radio on Tuesday the 14th of May. BNR broadcasts ‘The Big Five’ about ports in The Netherlands that…
Stories of Science
New Story of Science of Ece Özer about 'The breathing of dikes'.
Afscheidsinterview Freek Kapteijn

Als een van de meest geciteerde onderzoekers van de TU Delft en winnaar van de prestigieuze Hoogewerff Gouden Medaille is hoogleraar Freek…
Sebastian Weingärtner started as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Imaging Physics on July 1st 2019

His lab will be working on the development of novel methods for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to enable quantitative depiction of…

Schistosomiasis is one of the neglected tropical diseases caused by the Schistosoma parasite. Within Africa, a large number of countries are…
Excelscope - Smartphone-based Malaria Diagnostics

Malaria is a life-threatening parasitic disease and the leading cause for high morbidity rates in developing countries. In Nigeria, the…