
39907 resultaten

Investigate and optimize the water treatment plant (WTP) Río Cauca in Cali

It was at the end of the third quarter of the study year 18/19, when I started considering what options were available for my bachelor…

Arsenic removal by GreensandPlus

Analysis and optimisation of La Rueda water treatment plant In the 4 th quarter of the 2017-2018 academic year I was presented with an…

Water quality of the Surabaya River

In the months September and October, we (Tom Lamers & Ferdinand Holzhaus) went to the city of Surabaya in Indonesia to examine the water…

Research on riverine plastic waste in Indonesia

In Q4 2019, I travelled to Indonesia to do research on riverine plastic waste for the Department of Water Resources. I was accompanied by…

The removal potential of E-Coli in water from septic tanks in Maputo, Mozambique

For my bachelor thesis, I am traveling to Maputo, Mozambique for nine weeks. Here I am doing, in collaboration with Eduardo Mondlane…

Study of arsenic oxidising bacteria in water in Costa Rica

The presence of arsenic in drinking water is toxic and case health problems, the World Health Organization (WHO) set the limit of arsenic…

Recovery of magnesium from industrial waste streams

My name is Coco and for my bachelor thesis, I was very lucky to participate the experimental campaign at the University of Palermo (UNIPA)…

Building a pilot plant to biologically remove manganese from groundwater in Costa Rica

Manganese present in groundwater can cause health problems and sanitary issues, therefore the World Health Organization (WHO) has set the…

Improvement of the chlorination process of PDAM Tirtawening, Bandung, Indonesia

Due to total different water quality standards and disinfection methods over the world, we wanted to go abroad for our Bachelor Thesis to…

Soil moisture estimation using Distributed Temperature Sensing

Soil moisture is a key state variable in surface hydrology and land-atmosphere interactions. It is a storage term in the water balance,…