PhD projects
Water prediction and control technology applied to large scale water systems
The entire water systems controlling in the Netherlands Since September 2011, I have joined the Water Resources Management ground as a PhD…
Soil moisture estimation with distributed temperature sensing
Soil moisture is very important for land surface modeling. Since land surface processes are nonlinear, it is important to represent the…
Adaptation to the climate change in urban areas: assessing rainfall-induced flooding events
On January 2012, Santiago started his PhD at Delft University of Technology. His work aims to assess and develop alternatives for building…
Analysis of multi-source and multi-resolution soil moisture data
Yang Lu entered the Water Resources Management Section in Delft University of Technology as a PhD candidate in October, 2013. He obtained…
Impacts of small water retention structures on infiltration
Projects Groundwater recharge due to contour trenching in Phuoc Nam, Vietnam The long term impacts of contour trenching in Amboseli, Kenya…
Menu openen Assimilating GRACE terrestrial water storage data into a conceptual hydrology model for the River Rhine Climate City Campus…
Statistics and probability
This site is under construction. More information on this topic will be available in the near future.
Research projects

Currently there are more than 100 ongoing projects at the department. Some examples: Brantas Water Quality Improving water quality…