Z. (Zekeriya) Erkin

Z. (Zekeriya) Erkin



My research is on Computational Privacy, Secure Data Sharing and Data Intelligence: Protecting (privacy and/or commercially) sensitive data using cryptographic tools and differential privacy.

The core value is privacy: individuals should enjoy online/digital services withour sacrificing their privacy. And it is possible to do so using our techniques. 


  • Security and Cryptography, MSc
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies, MSc

I am currently involved in the following projects:
  • EU Septon Project (2022-2025)
  • EU Recitals Project (2025-2028)
Past Projects:
  • Spark! Blockchain Living Labs, NWO, 2019-2024
  • Blockchain and Logistics Innovation, TKI Logistiek, 2016-2018
  • 3TU Big Software on the Run 2015-2019
  • COMMIT/TheCS: Trusted Healthcare Systems. 2012-2017 
  • COMMIT/EWIDS: Extreme Wireless Distributed Sensor Networks. 2012-2017
  • KS: Kindred Spirits. December 2009-December 2012 
  • SPEED: Signal Processing in the Encrypted Domain. December 2007-December 2009

More news

Here are some pointers...
National Roles 
  • Vice-chair of ACCSS (Association of cyber secerity researchers)
  • Director of the Technical Track, Executive Master Program Cyber Security, Leiden University [2018--present]
  • Steering committee member of the Cyber Security Next Generation (CSng), representing TU Delft [update: A workgroup under ACCSS as of November 2024]
International Roles
  • Chair of the IEEE SPS Technical Committee on Information Forensics and Security Technical Comittee [2023-2024]
  • Vice-chair of the IEEE SPS Technical Committee on Information Forensics and Security [2022]
  • Editor in Chief for Eurasip Journal on Information Security [2023--present]



Dr. Z. Erkin is an associate professor in the Cyber Security Group, Delft University of Technology. He received his PhD degree on “Secure Signal Processing” in 2010 from Delft University of Technology where he has continued his research on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, particularly on Computational Privacy.  
His interest is on protecting sensitive data from malicious entities and service providers using cryptographic tools. While his interest on solutions based on provably secure cryptographic protocols is the core of his research, Dr. Erkin is also investigating distributed trust for building such protocols without trusted entities.   

Dr. Erkin has been involved in several European and national projects.  He is serving also in numerous committees including IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee as chair and Editor in Chief for the Eurasip Journal on Information Security. Dr. Erkin is a member of TU Delft Blockchain Lab, also serving as a core member of Cyber Security Next Generation ( CSng), a community of cyber security researchers in the Netherlands and ICT Next Generation ( ICTng). Dr. Erkin is a Senior IEEE, ACM and IACR member. He is also serving as vice-chair of ACCSS, association of cyber security researchers. 

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