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Bahareh Abdikivanani
When it comes to education innovations, you mostly go with your gut feeling, but you don’t have solid results to back it up. I hope that with IDEE, we can come up with the tools or a sort of framework for evaluating education innovations that will be easy to use so, that more and more innovations will become evidence-based.
Bahareh Abdi is an Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering with an emphasis on education at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. Bahareh has a background in signal processing and a special interest in anything to do with making electrical engineering education more effective. Something Bahareh has noticed over the years, is that a lot of educational data is collected on student performance as they progress through their programmes, but more often than not this remains unanalysed. The main problem being that teachers with engineering background do not know the necessary steps that need to be taken in order to perform research in education and use it to improve education. Bahareh sees this as a missed opportunity and would really like to explore effective ways on how to process and use this data in a responsible way, both to improve her own education and help colleagues with doing the same.
Towards IDEE
At the time when the call for the IDEE theme Students taking responsibility for their learning process went out, Bahareh was in fact looking for educational projects to join. For Bahareh, IDEE forms a unique opportunity to learn more about the ins and outs of educational research, for instance through close collaboration with the IDEE researchers. The reason Bahareh opted for the theme of Students taking responsibility for their learning process, is because she knows from first-hand experience that a lot of first-year students struggle with the transition from high-school to university. It is her personal belief that working towards more coherent, student-centred education could really help address this challenge.
As part of IDEE
“When it comes to education innovations, you mostly go with your gut feeling, but you don’t have solid results to back it up. I hope that with IDEE, we can come up with the tools or a sort of framework for evaluating education innovations that will be easy to use so, that more and more innovations will become evidence-based.”
Did you know that ...?
- Bahareh is responsible for developing the content for the Studiekeuzecheck for Electrical Engineering.
- Bahareh is the first-year bachelor coordinator in Electrical Engineering.
- Bahareh is a member of the IEEE women+ in engineering affinity Benelux chapter.