Troubleshoot item

I'm trying to download the groups but I get a Server Error (500) message, how can I download the groups?

This error occurs when students have manually deleted the course from their catalogue, but have not officially left the course through Osiris. In order to overcome the error, you must use a work-around using the grades tool:

  1. Go to Course menu > Grades.
  2. Make sure you are on the Enter Grades-tab.
  3. Click on Export.
  4. Set the following settings:
    • Export Grade Items For: All users.
    • Key Fields: Both
    • Sort by: Personal choice.
    • Grade values: none checked
    • User Details: Personal choice, but at least Group membership should be checked
  5. Make sure everything under Choose Grades to Export Grade is unchecked.
  6. You can choose to Export to .CSV or Export To Excel.