N. (Nynke) van Uffelen
N. (Nynke) van Uffelen
Nynke’s research is dedicated to energy ethics and justice, combining climate ethics, environmental justice and political philosophy. She is interested in situations in which there is normative uncertainty, e.g., uncertainty about what is 'just' or 'ethically right', due to clashing conceptions of justice. In this, she explores relational approaches to justice, such as theories of justice as recognition. Currently, she is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the JustETrans project, where she studies local participation in energy decision-making for just energy transitions, and the use of complex multi-modelling therein.
Normative Paradigms and Interdisciplinary Research
Udo Pesch / Nynke van Uffelen
Revealing hidden injustice: barriers to citizen participation among migrants in the energy transition of the Hague
Sander ten Caat / N. van Uffelen / Eefje Cuppen
Strengthening the foundations of energy justice scholarship
What can philosophy contribute?
Nathan Wood / Nynke van Uffelen / Giovanni Frigo / Anders Melin / Christine Milchram / Joohee Lee / Salomé Bessa -
Understanding energy conflicts
From epistemic disputes to competing conceptions of justice
Nynke van Uffelen -
2023-01-02 - 2026-12-31
Overige dienstverlening
2024-10-01 - 2026-09-30