B.L. (Barbara) van Veen PhD
B.L. (Barbara) van Veen PhD
Barbara van Veen currently works in the area of technology and innovation management. Her research focuses on the anticipation of the future development of emerging technologies, with a particular interest in weak signals and strategy under uncertainty. Currently, she is involved in quantum communication and computing technologies.
Barbara also loves to teach and is certified in the Harvard case method. She teaches cases that bring home the difficulty of assessing emerging technologies in the real world, while still having to develop strategic responses to the future effects of such technologies on the organizational environment.
Barbara's publications focus on strategic foresight and uncertainty and include mixed methods research. She has published in journals such as Futures (Elsevier) and Futures & Foresight Science (Wiley).
Simplification errors in predictive models
Barbara L. van Veen / J.R. Ortt
Straws That Tell the Wind
Top-Manager Perception of Distant Signals of the Future
Barbara van Veen -
Compensating for perceptual filters in weak signal assessments
Barbara van Veen / J. Roland Ortt / Petra Badke-Schaub
Mental Models of the Environment Particular to Weak Signal Analysis
B.L. van Veen / J.R. Ortt / P.G. Badke-Schaub
2023-06-15 - 2026-06-14
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