J. (Jenny) Lieu

J. (Jenny) Lieu



Research area: Science and technology policy research including: energy, climate change and landuse policies, stakeholder engagement and transdiscplinary research, policy learning and transfer, policy mix and interactions, just sustainable transition, gender equity, briding qualitative and quantitative methods

Sectors explored: renewable energy, nuclear power, oil sands, (AFLOU Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use) sectors


Current projects:

LANDMARC (LAND-use based MitigAtion for Resilient Climate pathways) (2020-2024). LANDMARC assesses the potential and feasibility of LMTs in the AFOLU sector by quantitatively assessing environmental, social-economic, co-benefits and trade-offs identified through a suite of monitoring tools and model system; and complemented by qualitative assessments guided by stakeholder engagement. Jenny is the principal investigator co-coordinating with JIN Climate Sustainability and oversees a work package on sustainability impacts merging modelling and qualitative risk analysis.  


Energy Citizens for Inclusive Decarbonization (ENCLUDE) (2021-2024) explores just and inclusive decarbonization pathway through sharing and co-creating new knowledge and practices that maximize the number and diversity of citizens who are willing and able to contribute to the energy transition. Jenny is involved in supervising PhD and Post-docs researchers in this project.


Previous projects:

TIPPING+ (2020-2023): “Enabling Positive Tipping Points towards clean-energy transitions in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions”. Explore the principal socio-economic challenges facing Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (CCIR). Jenny co-lead case study work package in 19 regions worldwide. https://tipping-plus.eu/home

TRANSrisk (2015-2018): “Transitions Pathways and Risk Analysis for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption Strategies”. EU Horizon 2020 project with the objective to explore low emission transition pathways and analyse risks related to these. Jenny’s co-ordinated the scientific development in the project and lead a work package on 14 country case studies worldwide. http://transrisk-project.eu/

APRAISE (20011-2014): “Assessment of Policy Interrelationships and Impacts on Sustainability in Europe”. Framework 7 project APRAISE can provided European and national policy makers a more holistic understanding of the interaction of different policies so that efficient policies can be formulated. https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/283121


Jenny Lieu has an interdisciplinary background with her first degrees in English Literature and Business from the University of Calgary, Canada and her Master and PhD degrees in Science Technology Sustainability at SPRU (Science Policy Research Unit) at the University of Sussex, England.

She has research experience in energy and climate policy evaluation in Europe; policy learning and transfer in the development of China’s renewable energy policy; technological development of the fast breeder nuclear power reactor in the UK; new urbanism developments in Calgary and oil sands energy transitions in Alberta, Canada, and gender issues in science and technology. Jenny has also provided consultancy services, producing strategic recommendations for energy and environmental infrastructure firms and conducting policy analysis for international institutions. 

Jenny is currently one of the co-founders of an NGO, Innolab Space, that supports hard to fund grass roots project that promote sustainability by bringing together thinkers, doers and educators.

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