M. (Mohammad) Satouri MSc

M. (Mohammad) Satouri MSc



Mohammadreza Satouri is with the Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management at the Engineering Systems and Services  Department. He is now working on stability analysis of dynamic models of cancer, and comparing different treatment protocols using game theory. He received his M.Sc. degree in control systems engineering from the University of Tehran, Iran. In his M.Sc. thesis, he worked on a class of nonlinear differential Stackelberg games using the adaptive dynamic programming (ADP) approach. Moreover, he has experience in developing different control methods for autonomous vehicles.

His areas of interest are Game theory, Cancer, Optimal Control, and Reinforcement Learning.


His Ph.D. research project is carried out within the EvoGamesPlus ITN. EvoGamesPlus focuses on the development of realistic evolutionary game theoretic models of real-world populations, using a mixture of mathematical modeling, biological knowledge, and expertise in computing and the analysis of data. In his Ph.D. project, he is developing a framework of Stackelberg evolutionary games for cancer treatment. This project involves analysis of equilibria in these games, but also their transient dynamics and other dynamical properties. By defining a proper quality of life function for patients, he will also find optimal treatment protocols which maximize the mentioned quality of life function.

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